Fast, Flexible, Friendly and Functional

InsurEngines - Tariff and Analysis Engines

Easiest Engines to accelerate innovative insurance product realisation and to better satisfy personalized consumer needs, with natively-embedded AIoT Algorithms into pricing structure.

Cut Lengthy IT Waiting List with InsurEngines

Mitigate Bottleneck and Accelerate Innovation

  • Tariff Engine empowers product designers, without any programming skills, to implement insurance products from scratch.
  • Analysis Engine empowers analysts or data scientists, without any IT infrastructure knowledge, to deploy ML/AI models in autonomy.
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Months to Days

Reduce product implementation timeframe from 6-12 months to 6-12 days.

Gigabyte to Terabyte

Enlarge data processing capacity from gigabyte to terabyte to enable true Big-Data.

Standalone to Cloud

Transform applications from standalone machines to cloud cluster computing.

ClaimsAI - AI-Powered Claims Assistance

AI for Fast-Track Claims Inspection, Evaluation and Settlement equipped with Computer Vision, IoT, NLP algorithms and many more...

Elevate Customer Satisfaction with ClaimsAI

Speed up Process and Upgrade Experience

  • Mobile Application Fast-Track Inspector enables photos of damaged cars to be taken on-site by consumers, garages, or inspsectors
  • ClaimsAI Backend Services enables photos, IoT sensor data, and other insurance data to be processed by AIoT algorithms, produce estimate automatically and accelerate the settlements.
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Happier Customers

Shorten customers waiting period to receive responses and payments.

Better Results

Increase productivity and reduce handling expenses and claim costs.

Deeper Knowledge

Support our Clients to develop their own AIoT algorithms and retain their knowledge in house.